Dwyer Inn of Court Profiles Galanda Broadman: "Courage and Civility" in Disenrollment Defense


On Tuesday, the William L. Dwyer American Inn of Court--an exclusive assembly of judges, lawyers and other legal professionals in Seattle--profiled the disenrollment advocacy of Galanda Broadman as part of its program series, "Profiles in Courage and Civility: Washington Lawyers.”

Members of the Dwyer Inn were provided Gabe Galanda and Ryan Dreveskracht's Arizona Law Review article, "Curing the Tribal Disenrollment Epidemic: In Search of a Remedy," and witnessed a skit loosely based on a prominent disenrollment controversy in the Pacific Northwest.

Galanda Broadman, PLLC, was recently named a “Best Law Firm” by U.S. News - Best Lawyers in the arena of Native American Law and Gaming Law, for the sixth year in a row.  With eight lawyers and offices in Seattle and Yakima, Washington and Bend, Oregon, the firm is dedicated to advancing tribal legal rights and Indian business interests, and defending Indian civil rights.